Week Four Summary


Rating: 44 /7
Daily average: 6.29
0.29 up compared to last week

Enjoyed new apartment, work is going in the right direction. Found two good tennis partners.

Project Finished:

  • Python Course, by Codeacademy

Project Working On:

Deep Learning - The Straight Dope, 10%
Essence of calculus, 80%
Deep learning, by Andrew Ng, 10% -> 20%
Algorithms and Data Structures, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, 10%
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python, by Brad Miller and David Ranum, 8%
Statistics One, by Andrew Conway, 5%
English Pronunciation, start vowel exercise, 10 vowels and 5 diphthongs are done.
Marcia funebre sulla morte di Luigi van Beethoven, Op. 146, written by Carl Czerny, from 80% to 90%
Reduced body weight from 177 to 176lb, waistline from 89cm to 88cm

Project Planning

Web crawler with python
Less than 1.5 hours on All Distracting Time, more than 3 hours on Focus and Learning per day.

Things Need to Improve

  • Important FIRST
  • Make more DETAILED plans
  • Balance between social, exercise and study

Daily Rating Criteria

Subject - Score

Important thing FIRST - 2
Plan ahead, detailed plan - 1
Java, Python at least two algorithms - 2
Piano - half hour - 1
HIIT - Twice a day - 1
English Pronunciation - 1
Time spent on WeChat under 1 hour - 1
                      more than 3 hours on Focus and Learning - 1

A Few Thoughts

Thursday and Friday were doing really well because I planed thoroughly.

Grade six days a week. Use Sunday to make up, summary and plan for next week.

Try to use the time on bus more efficiently.

Purchased kindle, reading on computer made my eyes dry and painful and hardly can do anything.