Week Two Summary


Rating: 29/7

Received my first offer, found a new apartment, moving in next week.

Project Finished:

  • New job.
  • New apartment and roommates, start a new chapter.

Project Working On:

Python Course, by Codeacademy, 61%
Algorithms and Data Structures, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, 10%
Essence of calculus, 15%
English Pronunciation, start vowel exercise
Marcia funebre sulla morte di Luigi van Beethoven, Op. 146, written by Carl Czerny, 70%
Tennis serve, successful rate 80%

Project Planning

Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python, by Brad Miller and David Ranum
Deep learning, by Andrew Ng
Statistics One, by Andrew Conway
Reduce Body weight from 180 to 170lb, waistline from 91cm to 81cm in three months

Things Need to Improve

  • More detailed timetable.
  • Plan earlier and decide sooner.

Daily Rating Criteria

Subject - Score

Important thing FIRST - 2
Plan ahead, detailed plan - 1
Java, Python at least two algorithms - 3
Piano - half hour - 1
HIIT - Twice a day - 1
English Pronunciation - 1
Time spent on Weibo under 15mins, WeChat under 1 hour - 1

A Few Thoughts

I received and accepted the first offer. At least it’s a start.

Took me almost four hours/day to look for a new apartment, including go through Craigslist, send e-mail, and driving to see the area and apartment. It put off other projects, but in the long run, this one week effort can save more time for commute.

This week’s activity raises the following question:
How to efficiently use fragmented time?

  • Collect thoughts actively
  • Think ahead, plan ahead
  • Detailed timetable
  • Most Important FITST
  • Focus on the present moment

Knowledge as Action.