Rating | Score |
Sum | 32/6 |
Daily average | 5.33 |
Compared to Last Week | -1.73 |
Lack of rest and affected by SAD, mental status goes up and down. Thank Greg playing tennis with me.
Project Working On:
- Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python, by Brad Miller and David Ranum, 65% to 75%
- Fon-Fon, by Nazareth, Ernesto, 10% to 15%
- Kept body weight at 173.6lb, reduced waistline from 84.5cm to 83cm
Project Planning in Mind
- Join one Kaggle competition.
Project on Hold
Things Need to Improve
- Important FIRST.
- Make plans for tomorrow before sleep and analysis it after.
- Pre-analysis and post-analysis for decisions.
- Strength of left lower back.
Week Ten Plan
- Finish Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python.
- Join one big event relating to Machine learning
- Write letter to professors.
Daily Rating Criteria
Subject | Score |
Important thing FIRST | 3 |
Plan ahead | 2 |
Mindfulness and Noting | 2 |
Programming | 1 |
Piano - half hour | 1/2 |
Back/Stretch | 1/2 |
English Pronunciation | 1/2 |
Appreciation Practice | 1/2 |
A Few Thoughts
Still crazy about tennis. Trying to get back to normal schedule. Sleep, eat, exercise and back to normal.