Week Nine Summary


Rating Score
Sum 32/6
Daily average 5.33
Compared to Last Week -1.73

Lack of rest and affected by SAD, mental status goes up and down. Thank Greg playing tennis with me.

Project Working On:

  1. Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python, by Brad Miller and David Ranum, 65% to 75%
  2. Fon-Fon, by Nazareth, Ernesto, 10% to 15%
  3. Kept body weight at 173.6lb, reduced waistline from 84.5cm to 83cm

Project Planning in Mind

  • Join one Kaggle competition.

Project on Hold

Things Need to Improve

  • Important FIRST.
  • Make plans for tomorrow before sleep and analysis it after.
  • Pre-analysis and post-analysis for decisions.
  • Strength of left lower back.

Week Ten Plan

  1. Finish Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python.
  2. Join one big event relating to Machine learning
  3. Write letter to professors.

Daily Rating Criteria

Subject Score
Important thing FIRST 3
Plan ahead 2
Mindfulness and Noting 2
Programming 1
Piano - half hour 1/2
Back/Stretch 1/2
English Pronunciation 1/2
Appreciation Practice 1/2

A Few Thoughts

Still crazy about tennis. Trying to get back to normal schedule. Sleep, eat, exercise and back to normal.