Rating: 42/7
Joined one network meetup, delivered one Toastmaster Speech, climbed Mount Monadnock, wrote three appreciation letter.
Project Finished:
- Built PandaonMars. Started my own Brand!
- Reviewed Linear Algebra. Highly recommend this series Essence of linear algebra. This guy visualized all 2D and 3D matrix transformation which provides a clear and visual understanding.
Project Working On:
- Codeacademy’s python Course, 33%
- Algorithms and Data Structures, 10%
- Marcia funebre sulla morte di Luigi van Beethoven, Op. 146, written by Carl Czerny, 60%
- Tennis serve, successful rate 50%
Project Planning
- Deep learning, by Andrew Ng
- Statistics One, by Andrew Conway
Things Need to Improve
- Energy and time management.
- More detailed timetable.
- Plan earlier and decide sooner.
A Few Thoughts
I thought my performance should be better,but the average score of seven days is only 6/10. Data can always tell me the truth. Keep moving forward!